The association was founded in July of the 36th year of the Republic of China (1947). It was initiated by fifteen units, including the Taiwan Aluminum Corporation under the Resource Committee, the Taiwan Gold and Copper Mining Bureau, and various private aluminum and metalworking factories. On August 15th of the same year, it was officially named the "16th District Metal Manufacturing Industry Association." The provisional office was located within the Taiwan Aluminum Corporation on Chenggong Road, Kaohsiung City. The geographical scope covered Taiwan and Fujian provinces. Mr. Sun Jinghua, the former director of the Taiwan Aluminum Corporation's preparatory office, was elected as the chairman. In May of the 37th year of the Republic of China, following a directive from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the association's name was changed to the "Taiwan Regional Metal Manufacturing Industry Association." As the privately-owned aluminum manufacturing industry grew rapidly, the number of member units increased to over eighty by the 38th year. The association's affairs became increasingly complex. To accommodate this growth, some members jointly raised funds to purchase a five-story building located at No. 77-1, Section 1, Hankou Street, Taipei City, as the permanent headquarters. In September of the 39th year, the association relocated from Kaohsiung to its new headquarters in Taipei. Additional staff were hired to strengthen the association's operations. At this point, the association began to establish its foundation.